18 March 2024 : Case report
Effective Management of Acute Oral Chemical Burns After NaOH Ingestion: A Case Report
Rare disease
Liu Bo Li1E*, Yu Hai Xia2B, Liang Ping2B, Mou Hai3C, Qiao Hong Tu4F, Dai Qing Yun1F, Yong Zhang1ADOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943134
Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943134
Figure 1. Images of the patient at the initial visit and after treatment. Day 1. (A) Initial visit, moderate limitation in mouth opening, restricted tongue movement; (B) Extensive erosion of the tongue and oral mucosa; Day 2. (C) The next day, mild limitation in mouth opening, improved tongue movement compared to before, partial healing of the dorsal tongue and mucosa; (D) Increased yellow pseudomembrane on the mucosal surface; Day 3. (E) Third day of medication, no limitation in mouth opening, free tongue movement, small portion of mucosa not healed; (F) Slight reddening at the edges of the pseudomembrane.