09 October 2021: Articles
Native Valve Infective Endocarditis in a Young and Non-Immunocompromised Host: A Case Report
Rare disease
Masamichi Koike1ABCDEF, Takahiro Doi1ABCDEF*, Yutaka Iba2ABCDEF, Satoshi Yuda1ABCDEFDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.932387
Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e932387
BACKGROUND: Infective endocarditis (IE) is an infectious disease that occurs in valves, centered on the endocardium and ventricular septal defects. It is a serious disease that is easily misdiagnosed and has a high mortality rate if left untreated. Edwardsiella tarda is an extremely rare cause of IE, especially in young and non-immunocompromised hosts.
CASE REPORT: A woman in her 20s presented to our hospital with fever of unknown cause and liver dysfunction. She was admitted to the Department of Gastroenterological Medicine owing to suspicion of gastrointestinal infection. Gastrointestinal examination, including contrast-enhanced computer tomography and endoscopic ultrasonography, was performed; however, there were no significant findings. Liver dysfunction improved spontaneously, but her fever did not improve with antibiotic treatment. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed on day 9 of hospitalization because E. tarda was detected in a blood culture test, revealing vegetation at the mitral valve. Asymptomatic cerebral infarction was shown by brain magnetic resonance imaging, and mitral valvuloplasty was performed on day 14. After surgery, transthoracic echocardiography was performed on day 22, showing no vegetation or mitral regurgitation. However, postoperative transesophageal ultrasonography performed on day 29 revealed severe mitral regurgitation. Redo mitral valvuloplasty was performed on day 38. She clinically improved and was discharged on day 67.
CONCLUSIONS: This is the first case in which E. tarda was diagnosed as the causative agent of IE on a native valve in a young and non-immunocompromised host. Aggressive source control resulted in a good clinical outcome.
Keywords: Mitral Valve, Endocarditis, young adult, Edwardsiella tarda, Endocarditis, Bacterial, Female, Humans, Mitral Valve Insufficiency
Worldwide, the top 3 species of bacteria that cause community-acquired infective endocarditis (IE) in a native valve are viridians group streptococci, staphylococcus, and enterococcus [1]. Gram-negative bacilli are rarely the causative agent of IE. The HACEK (
We describe a rare case in which
Prompt and aggressive source control and surgical intervention with antibiotic treatment in our patient were effective for achieving a good outcome as well as midterm family planning, including pregnancy and childbirth, good long-term quality of life, and good prognosis.
Case Report
A woman in her 20s presented to our hospital with fever of unknown cause in the winter. Her past medical history included a diagnosis of ovarian endometriotic cysts and endometriosis 2 years prior, and she had been taking low-dose norethisterone and ethinyl estradiol after ovary-sparing surgery, in which only ovarian lesions were removed laparoscopically. On arrival at the hospital, the patient was conscious, and her vital signs were as follows: body temperature 38.9°C, blood pressure 103/58 mmHg, pulse 138 beats/min, respiratory rate 18 breaths/min, and oxygen saturation 96%. On physical examination, there was tenderness only in the mid-upper abdomen to the right costal region. Blood samples showed a markedly high white blood cell count of 15.0×103/μg and C-reactive protein level of 31.2 mg/dL. In addition, levels of aspartate aminotransferase, glutamic-oxaloacetic transferase, lactate dehydrogenase, and bilirubin were high. Therefore, contrast-enhanced computed tomography and endoscopic ultrasonography were performed owing to suspicion of gastrointestinal disease; however, there were no specific clinical findings. The patient was empirically treated with cefmetazole (1 g) by intravenous (i.v.) injection every 6 h. The liver dysfunction improved spontaneously, but her fever did not improve. Two blood cultures obtained by a single antecubital vein puncture revealed only
We decided that early surgical therapy was appropriate, and surgical therapy was performed on day 14. Extensive vegetation was present at the posterior commissure and medial site of P3. These areas were destroyed, and the chordae tendineae under P3 had become edematous. The posterior commissure and half of P3 were resected and the subvalvular abscess was scraped. Annuloplasty of the mitral valve was also performed. Histopathological features suggested that active IE included mitral valve vegetation with inflammation of subvalvular tissues (Figures 4, 5).
After surgery, transthoracic echocardiography performed on day 22 showed no mitral regurgitation. However, transesophageal ultrasonography performed on day 29 revealed prolapse at the medial site of the anterior mitral leaflet and marked accelerated blood flow in the same site. Severe mitral regurgitation toward the medial wall and posterior wall of the left atrium was observed. Redo mitral valvuloplasty was performed for the mitral regurgitation on day 38. Bacteria were also not cultured from the surgical section of the mitral valve.
Postoperative treatment with ampicillin/sulbactam (3 g i.v. every 6 h) and gentamicin (300 mg i.v. every 24 h) was continued, and the patient achieved full recovery. She was followed up postoperatively and remained clinically stable with no clinical sequelae. Only mild mitral regurgitation was observed by transthoracic echocardiography performed on day 45, and she was discharged without any symptoms of heart failure on day 67.
To the best of our knowledge, this was a rare case of native valve IE caused by
When pathogenic to humans,
Our patient had no history of traveling abroad and had never eaten snakes or eels. The average temperature in the month of onset in that year was −1.6°C.
The route of invasion of
It is possible that IE caused by
IE can cause serious complications. Furthermore, even in nonimmunocompromised hosts, IE should be considered when non-HACEK gram-negative rods such as
Figure 1.. (A) The red medium is trypticase soy agar II sheep blood agar, and the blue medium is bromothymol blue lactose agar. The bacterial cells produced indole, and β-hemolysis was observed. Since there was no H2S production in Salmonella-Shigella agar medium, the bacterium was considered to be Edwardsiella of biogroup 1 rather than wild type. (B) The bacterium was a gram-negative short rod bacterium typical of Edwardsiella tarda and showed an Enterobacteriaceae-like morphology. Figure 2.. Transthoracic echocardiography. (A) A mass (13×10 mm) was attached to the posterior commissure of the mitral valve with high mobility. Arrow shows the vegetation. Mild-to-moderate mitral regurgitation was detected. (B) Parasternal long-axis view. (C) Two-chamber view. Figure 3.. (A, B) Transesophageal echocardiography. A mass (15×7 mm) was attached to the posterior commissure of the mitral valve and medial site of the posterior mitral leaflet. Arrows show the vegetation. Figure 4.. Image of a surgical section of the mitral valve. Vegetation (10×8×8 mm) attached to the mitral valve was resected during mitral valvuloplasty. Figure 5.. Imaging of hematoxylin and eosin staining of the mitral valve. A large number of neutrophils were found in pathological tissue of the mitral valve, a finding consistent with the development of infective endocarditis. (A) General view of the specimen. (B) The black circle shows the focused image of the inside of the red circle: neutrophils and crushed image of neutrophil nuclei.References:
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