07 December 2021: Articles
: A Classic Presentation of a Rare Fatal Infection, with Possible New Background Risk Factors
Challenging differential diagnosis, Unusual setting of medical care, Rare disease
Kevin D. Healey1ABCDEFG, Sami M. Rifai2ABCDEF, Ahmad Oussama Rifai3ABCDEFG*, Masha Edmond4ABF, Daniel S. Baker4A, Kareem Rifai5ADOI: 10.12659/AJCR.934347
Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e934347
BACKGROUND: Edwardsiella tarda is a facultative anaerobic bacterium that is rarely pathogenic to humans, but, in patients with certain risk factors, it can lead to severe, disseminated infections. Humans are inoculated through the gastrointestinal tract while consuming undercooked or raw seafood or through skin penetration. E. tarda has been isolated from marine environments, including lakes, rivers, wells, and sewage water. Although the bacterium has not been directly isolated from seawater, it has been cultured from animals inhabiting seawater environments. In the United States, E. tarda is predominantly localized along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. Complications from this bacterium usually arise in patients with liver disease, iron overload, or cirrhosis or in those who are immunocompromised or on immunosuppressive therapy.
CASE REPORT: Our patient was a 59-year-old woman with a history of advanced lung cancer, pulmonary hypertension, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis C, and alcoholism. She initially presented to the Emergency Department in the Florida Panhandle on June 16 with colitis, which then progressed to fulminant sepsis with septic shock. Despite aggressive interventions, including intravenous hydration, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and vasopressor support, our patient succumbed to her illness approximately 34 h after initial presentation.
CONCLUSIONS: Although severe cases of E. tarda have been reported in patients with liver dysfunction, we believe this is the first reported case potentially complicated by concomitant lung cancer. The rise in sea water temperature, increased human consumption of raw seafood, and increased prevalence of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis may increase the incidence and mortality of E. tarda in the near future.
Keywords: Edwardsiella tarda, Hepatitis C, Chronic, Vibrio Infections, global warming, Cirrhosis, Cryptogenic, Animals, Base Composition, Enterobacteriaceae Infections, Female, Humans, Phylogeny, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S, Risk Factors, Sequence Analysis, DNA
Case Report
A 59-year-old woman with a history of advanced lung cancer, pulmonary hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis C positivity, and history of alcohol abuse was brought in by ambulance to the Emergency Department of a hospital in the Florida Panhandle, during mid-summer, on June 16, 2021. She had consumed raw oysters the previous day and complained of generalized lower abdominal pain that started the following morning. On initial presentation, the patient complained of a non-radiating dull abdominal ache. She denied fever and chills; there was no associated nausea or vomiting. The patient’s vital signs were as follows: blood pressure 75/50 mm Hg; pulse rate, 100 beats/min; and respiratory rate, 22 breaths/min. The patient was afebrile with a temperature of 36.7°C, with no signs of distress, and was nontoxic. Upon physical examination, she did not appear toxic, her lungs were clear, and there was lower abdominal tenderness without peritoneal signs. The following laboratory data were noted: while blood cell (WBC) count, 0.7 K/uL (reference range: 3.8–10.8 K/uL); hemoglobin level, 12.5 g/dL (reference range: 13.5–17.5 g/dL); platelet count, 32 K/uL (reference range: 140–400 K/uL); sodium, 144 mEq/L (reference range: 135–145 mEq/L); potassium, 3.6 mEq/L (reference range: 3.6–5.2 mEq/L); creatinine, 1.75 mg/dL (reference range: 0.59–1.04 mg/dL); BUN, 16 mg/dL (reference range: 6–24 mg/dL); glucose, 71 mg/dL (reference range: 70–100 mg/dL); and albumin, 1.9 g/L (reference range: 3.5–5.5 g/dL).
The urinalysis was positive for infection and was notable for the following: +1 protein, +1 blood, +4 urobilinogen, 2.5 hya-line casts per high power field, 51 to 100 WBCs with clumps.
Her initial computerized tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen and pelvis without intravenous (i.v.) contrast revealed wall thickening throughout the right colon and inflammation extending along the colon and surrounding the terminal ileum and appendix. Portal venous congestion was observed. Cirrhosis of the liver was also confirmed, and there was pulmonary right lower lobe infiltrate, which was also present on the chest radiograph. No splenomegaly was noted on the CT scan. She was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit with a diagnosis of sepsis with shock related to colitis, right lower lobe pneumonia, and urinary tract infection.
Treatment began with i.v. fluid boluses, but after 4 L, she remained hypotensive, and a cardiovascular pressor with norepinephrine broad-spectrum antibiotics was also simultaneously initiated after appropriate blood and urine cultures were collected. Cefepime, metronidazole, and levofloxacin were started to cover the respiratory and intra-abdominal sources of infection. Pharmacologic deep-vein thrombosis prophylaxis was not administered because of the patient’s severe thrombocytopenia.
Granix (tbo-filgrastim) was administered. Despite her lung cancer diagnosis, she was not currently receiving chemotherapy but underwent radiation 2 months prior. Initially, her dyspnea was treated with albuterol/ipratropium nebulization every 4 to 6 h, and her oxygen saturation remained above 93%.
The following day, the patient’s condition continued to deteriorate. She developed acute hypoxic respiratory failure and progressive encephalopathy, requiring endotracheal intubation and initiation of mechanical ventilation. After endotracheal intubation, an orogastric tube was placed. Septic shock and hypotension persisted, and the patient was also administered albumin and started on continuous sodium bicarbonate infusion of 1 L of D5W with 150 mEq of sodium bicarbonate. Additionally, the vitamin C sepsis protocol was initiated, which included vitamin C, 500 mg i.v. every 8 h, hydrocortisone 100 mg i.v. every 6 h, and thiamine 200 mg i.v. every 8 h [6]. The preliminary blood culture showed gram-negative bacteremia, so doxycycline was added for presumptive
The following morning, about 34 h after initial arrival to the Emergency Department, the patient died, despite receiving aggressive treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics, vitamin C protocol, albumin, i.v. fluid resuscitation, and maxed out cardiovascular pressor support. Prior to the patient’s death, the nursing staff reported blisters and boils forming on the patient’s upper and lower extremities. The presence of
As a result, the aqua farm industry is currently working toward producing a vaccine against
Another relevant vaccine is
Data recovered from the Florida Department of Health show that cases of another similar microbe,
Certain liver pathologies resulting in cryptogenic cirrhosis may increase the risk of developing a disseminated
However, an increase in
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