25 June 2023: Articles
From the Gut to the Heart: A Rare Case of Pericarditis
Rare disease
Kunjal Patel1ABCDEF*, Brittni McClellan1BCDEF, Jared Steinberger2BCDE, Delano Small2E, Alehegn Gelaye3EDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.939927
Am J Case Rep 2023; 24:e939927
BACKGROUND: Salmonella infections manifest typically as self-limiting gastroenteritis after the consumption of contaminated food. Extra-intestinal manifestations of Salmonella infections such as pericarditis are rare and are usually seen in severely immunocompromised individuals. Prior case reports suggest high rates of morbidity and mortality associated with Salmonella pericarditis. Here, we present a rare case of Salmonella dublin pericarditis.
CASE REPORT: A 45-year-old man presented to the Emergency Department reporting chest pressure and shortness of breath. An echocardiogram showed a large pericardial effusion without tamponade physiology. Pericardial window was performed, with removal of 700 cubic centimeters of bloody fluid, with presence of fibrinous debris in the pericardial cavity. A pericardial biopsy showed chronic pericarditis, and a lymph node biopsy was negative for malignancy. Antinuclear antibody (ANA), Lyme antibodies, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing were negative. Tissue culture revealed Salmonella species. Subsequent blood cultures grew Salmonella spp. Further history-taking revealed frequent travel and recent treatment with steroids for suspected Bell’s palsy. Initially, the patient was treated with ceftriaxone, which was switched to ciprofloxacin after susceptibility testing revealed ceftriaxone resistance. Final identification of the organism revealed Salmonella dublin. The patient was discharged on colchicine, ibuprofen, and a 4-week course of ciprofloxacin. Outpatient follow-up showed improvement in inflammatory markers and symptoms.
CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates the rarity of Salmonella-associated pericarditis, the importance of assessing a patient’s risk factors, and obtaining an extensive history when searching for an etiology of pericarditis. Investigation into why a patient was susceptible to an infection with this organism should include medication assessment and age-appropriate cancer screening. Prompt identification and treatment of the offending organism can help prevent mortality.
Keywords: AvrA protein, Salmonella dublin, Pericarditis, Pericardial Effusion
Treatment for
Pericarditis is an inflammatory disease of the pericardium, which may have an infectious or a noninfectious cause. It is the most common form of pericardial disease worldwide, with an incidence of 27.7 cases per 100 000 people per year [7]. The classic presentation includes sharp, pleuritic chest pain, pericardial friction rub, widespread ST elevation and PR depression on electrocardiogram, and pericardial effusion seen on echocardiogram [8]. In developing countries with a high prevalence of tuberculosis, tuberculosis accounts for 70% of pericarditis. However, tuberculosis is much less common in developed countries, accounting for <5% of all cases. In developed countries, 80–90% of cases are idiopathic after extensive diagnostic workup and most are presumed to be viral in etiology. The remaining cases with an identified etiology include malignancy (5–10%), systemic inflammatory diseases and pericardial injury (2–7%), tuberculosis (4%), and purulent/bacterial pericarditis (<1%) [7]. Out of the small number of patients presenting with a pericarditis of purulent or bacterial etiology,
Treatment for pericarditis includes anti-inflammatory medications. Typical regimens include aspirin (750–1000 mg every 8 hours for 1–2 weeks) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs] such as ibuprofen 600 mg every 8 hours for 1–2 weeks plus colchicine 0.5 mg daily for 3 months along with gastric protection [10]. In addition, patients with bacterial pericarditis require antibiotic therapy sensitive to the identified organism. There are no definitive guidelines for duration of therapy, but a prior case report suggested it is reasonable to consider 2–4 weeks of therapy [11].
As extra-intestinal manifestations of
Case Report
A 45-year-old White man with a history of hypertension and recent Bell’s palsy presented to the Emergency Department reporting chest pressure and gradually worsening difficulty in breathing along with neck/back pain for 1 week. The chest pressure was described as sharp and relieved by sitting upright. He denied any prior cardiac history and any other associated symptoms, including fevers or recent upper-respiratory symptoms. He had recently traveled to Texas. He denied any cigarette smoking, alcohol intake, marijuana use, or use of illicit substances. He worked as a field engineer and handled automotive chemicals. There was no notable family history of cardiac disease.
On presentation, he was afebrile, tachycardic with heart rate approximately 120 beats per minute, blood pressure was 135/101 mmHg, and respiratory rate was 17 with saturation of 94% on room air. On physical exam, he had known facial droop from prior Bell’s palsy, with no new neurological findings. A cardiac exam was significant for distant heart sounds with S1 and S2 present, no S3 or S4, and no murmurs, rubs, or gallops.
An electrocardiogram revealed diffuse ST elevation throughout most limb leads and precordial leads with ST depression and PR elevation in leads aVR and V1 (Figure 1). Laboratory test results revealed leukocytosis of 19 K/mcL [4–11 K/mcL], acute kidney injury with creatinine 1.4 mg/dL [0.7–1.5 mg/dL], C-reactive protein was elevated at 90 mg/L [1.0–10.0 mg/L], and troponin was <0.02 ng/mL [0.00–0.10 ng/mL]. Chest radiography revealed an enlarged cardiac silhouette. A subsequent computed tomography (CT) scan showed no evidence of aortic dissection or pulmonary embolism, but a moderate-to-large pericardial effusion was noted (Figure 2).
This patient presented with diffuse ST elevations with active chest pain symptoms and had risk factors for coronary artery disease. Although the electrocardiogram was concerning for pericarditis and a CT scan showed pericardial effusion, given the patient’s severity of symptoms and risk factors, he was taken for emergent cardiac catheterization to rule out obstructive coronary artery disease, which revealed patent coronary arteries. Echocardiography showed ejection fraction of 60–65%, with large pericardial effusion with fluid showing a fibrinous appearance. There was no evidence of hemodynamic compromise (Figure 3).
The patient was started on colchicine and ibuprofen for pericarditis and scheduled for pericardial window. He had resolution of leukocytosis and kidney injury the following day. He remained afebrile and hemodynamically stable. Serial echocardiogram showed evidence of tamponade features such as diastolic collapse of right ventricle as well as mitral inflow pattern with significant respiratory variation of 41% (Figures 4, 5).
He underwent a pericardial window via subxiphoid approach the following day with removal of 700 cubic centimeters of light bloody fluid with presence of fibrinous debris in the pericardial cavity. Biopsy from pericardial tissue and lymph node biopsy were performed and a chest tube was placed.
A repeat electrocardiogram showed improving ST elevations (Figure 6). Subsequent laboratory analyses investigating the etiology were negative, including antinuclear antibody (ANA), Lyme IgM and IgG, and HIV.
Pathology from biopsy showed chronic pericarditis, and a lymph node biopsy was negative for malignancy. Pericardial tissue culture grew
Further history from the patient revealed travel to Illinois 4 months prior to visit a sick relative. He then noticed flu-like symptoms and was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy 1 month later. A COVID-19 test was negative and he was treated with prednisone and valacyclovir. He then traveled to South Carolina and Texas 2 months later. He had a cat and dog at home and denied any new food consumption or recent diarrhea.
The chest tube was removed a few days later, with a post-removal echocardiogram revealing trivial pericardial effusion. Final identification of the organism revealed
Antimicrobial therapy for
The interesting part of our case was the serotype identified:
As mentioned in the introduction, pericarditis is an inflammatory disease of the pericardium. Most cases are presumed idiopathic and are attributed to viral sources after extensive workup reveals no other source. Bacterial or purulent pericarditis accounts for <1% of cases of pericarditis [7]. Infection of the pericardium with a bacterial organism is caused by either direct spread from an intrathoracic focus or as a result of hematogenous spread from another site of infection. The most common organisms associated with bacterial pericarditis are
Patients with bacterial pericarditis present similarly as other etiologies of pericarditis, with sharp, pleuritic chest pain, and can have a pericardial friction rub on exam. These patients can present with fevers, but absence of fever does not rule out a bacterial source. As with any other case of suspected pericarditis, all patients should undergo complete history-taking and physical examination, electrocardiography, chest radiography, complete blood count, troponin level, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level, and echocardiography [60]. Our patient had this workup performed upon initial evaluation. Depending on additional factors, including immunocompromised status, high fever, signs of sepsis, age, travel history, and exposure to sick contacts, additional testing should be ordered, including blood cultures, viral studies, antinuclear antibody titer, and TB testing [10]. Ultimately, diagnosis is made after obtaining cultures from pericardial fluid if available or from pericardial tissue. The recommended treatment course includes anti-inflammatory medications and antibiotics tailored to the organism identified.
In our case, our patient had additional workup performed, including ANA to assess for an autoimmune etiology for his patient’s pericardial effusion. Lyme IgM and IgG levels were checked to rule out Lyme disease as a cause given the patient had a facial droop along with presence of pericarditis with a pericardial effusion. HIV testing was also performed, which was negative. He then underwent a pericardial window procedure with biopsy of pericardial tissue and lymph node biopsy. The lymph node biopsy was negative for malignancy. When
Interestingly, when reviewing the literature, we found that this was the second case of
It is important to be aware of
Figure 1.. 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) demonstrating sinus tachycardia with diffuse ST segment elevations and PR segment depressions, and PR segment elevation in lead aVR. Figure 2.. Axial and sagittal images through the heart and pericardium demonstrate a moderate-to-large pericardial effusion with possible mass effect on the cardiac chambers. On the axial image, an additional note is made of partially visualized left-greater-than-right pleural effusions with adjacent pulmonary parenchymal atelectasis. Figure 3.. Transthoracic echocardiography images obtained. Panel A demonstrating short-axis view of the left ventricular apex with significant loculated pericardial effusion. Panel B demonstrating short-axis view of the mid-left ventricle with circumferential, loculated pericardial effusion. Panel C demonstrates the inferior vena cava distended to 3.0 cm [normal 1.5–2.5 cm], and panel D demonstrates no respiratory variation of the distended inferior vena cava, indicative of a central venous pressure of at least 15 mmHg [normal 8–12 mmHg]. Figure 4.. Short-axis view of the aortic valve and right ventricle. Diastolic (top red arrow) collapse of right ventricle (bottom red arrow) noted. Figure 5.. Mitral inflow pattern with significant respiratory variation of 41% (greater than 25%) consistent with tamponade physiology. Figure 6.. 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) following pericardial window demonstrating resolution of sinus tachycardia and diffuse ST elevations. Figure 7.. Plot demonstrating C-reactive protein trends over the course of hospital treatment. Initial CRP of 90 mg/L [1.0–10.0 mg/L]. Following pericardial window and initial treatment with colchicine and ibuprofen plus ciprofloxacin, the patient’s CRP decreased to 11 mg/L [1.0–10.0 mg/L].References:
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