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10 January 2021 : Case report  Poland

A Rare Case of Acute Pleuropericarditis as a Complication of Permanent Pacemaker Insertion

Unusual clinical course, Challenging differential diagnosis, Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment, Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents

Małgorzata Chlabicz12ABCDEFG*, Piotr Jakim1BCD, Małgorzata Zalewska-Adamiec1ACDEF, Magdalena Róg-Makal1ACDEF, Sławomir Dobrzycki1ABDEF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.928188

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e928188

Table 1. The timeline representing patient treatment history.

AdmissionPresented syncope, history of aortic stenosis
Day 2Coronary angiography
Day 3Presented syncope with sinus arrests and escape atrioventricular rhythm in ECG IPG implantation
Day 4Weakness with pericardial effusion in ECHO
Day 5–8Gradual reduction of pericardial effusion
Day 10Increase of pericardial effusion with the left pleural effusion – planned discharge day
Day 11–17Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs therapy (ibuprofen) and colchicine without effect
Day 18–34Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs therapy (prednisolone) and colchicines with resorption of pericardial and pleural effusion
Day 34Gradual reduction of prednisolone dose
Day 55Recurrence of pericardial and pleural effusion; return to the starting dose of prednisolone
Day 55–109Extended treatment of steroid anti-inflammatory drugs therapy (prednisolone) and colchicines with gradual reduction of prednizolone dose
ECG – electrocardiography; IPG – pacemaker; ECHO – echocardiography.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923