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17 February 2021 : Case report  Saudi Arabia

An Unusual Maxillary Sinus Foreign Body: A Case Report

Unusual clinical course, Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents, Management of emergency care, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)

Maeidah A. Alrasheed1ABCD, Mohammed S. Alhaddad2ABCDEF*, Nora A. Almuhainy3ADEF, Abrar A. Almohammedali3ADEF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.928534

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e928534

Table 1. Summary of some reported cases of foreign bodies in the maxillary sinus.

#Author (reference)AgeType of FBMechanism of injuryRoute of entryPresentationTime gap between procedure, event and diagnosisSite of FBSizeComplicationsManagementOutcome
1Our case (2020)32Metallic nailBy a nail gunFloor of orbital cavityLeft eye bleeding and left cheek parasthenia and numbness1 hourLeft Maxillary sinus4 cmLeft eye blindnessCaldwell-Luc procedureClear maxillary sinus, no evidence of disease after 1 week
2Nataraj et al [] (2015)8 25Pieces of glassRTAFacial woundsRecurrent headache, Left nasal discharge and post nasal drip, Watering of the left eye3 monthsLeft maxillary sinusSinusitis Nasolacrimal duct obstructionFunctional Endo-scopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) and Endo-scopic dacryocystostomyFree of symptoms after 1 month
3Gurkan et al [] (2015)6 463 Molar teethCongenitalContinuous nasal obstruction, postnasal discharge, and severe facial pain3–4 yearsRight maxillary sinusSinusitisCaldwell-Luc procedureFree of symptoms after 1 year
4Kim et al [] (2014)9 13Ballpoint penFall downFacial woundEyelid lacerationImmediatelyRight orbit extending into the sphenoid sinus8×1 cmNone.ESS
5Shao et al [] (2014)17 10Hand sewing needleVoluntarily introduced by the patientThrough carious toothPrimary maxillary right first molar was carious, serious red swelling of the buccal mucosa1 dayRight maxillary sinus4.2 cmSinusitisRemoved with magnetic iron under local anesthesiaFree of symptoms after 2 months
6Agarwal et al [] (2014)7 28pressure cooker nozzleBlast injuryFacial woundsUpper lip split and laceration of upper gingivobuccal sulcus with active bleedingNAMaxillary sinusNANoneTaken out by manipulation with a long-toothed forcepsNA
7Agarwal et al [] (2014)7 BulletNAAnterior wall of maxillary sinusFace lacerationImmediateMaxillary sinusNANACaldwell-Luc procedureNA
8Saeed et al [] (2013)28 45Shell casesNAAnterior wall of maxillary sinusFace lacerationImmediateMaxillary sinusNANACaldwell-Luc procedureNA
9Şahin et al [] (2012)22 24Wooden toothpickUn-known, may be Introduced accidentally or voluntarily by the patientOroantral fistula (now healed) after dental extractionHeadache, nasal obstruction, halitosis, chronic purulent rhinorrhea from the left nostril, and postnasal drip3 yearsLeft maxillary sinusUnilateral chronic sinusitisCombined endoscopic and Caldwell-Luc procedureFree of symptoms
10Batista et al [] (2011)29 NAZinc oxide cementNAOroantral fistulaPostnasal discharge1 monthMaxillary sinusNANACaldwell-Luc procedureNA
11Kaushik et al [] (2009)23 65Cotton ribbon gauzeNAOroantral fistula after dental extractionRegurgitation of fluids into the nose and left maxillary sinus tenderness7 monthsLeft maxillary sinusNANACaldwell-Luc procedureNA
12Prasant et al [] (2009)27 NAMatch-sticksNAOroantral fistulaFacial swelling20 daysMaxillary sinusNANAOral exploration in GA followed by Caldwell-Luc for inspectionNA
13Lima et al [] (2008)10 49Multiple wood and plastic piecesVoluntarily introduce foreign bodies by the patientOroantral fistulaNasal obstruction, halitosis, cacosmia, purulent rhinorrhea and post nasal dripThree yearsLeft Maxillary sinusNASinusitisFESS and Caldwell-Luc procedureFree of symptoms
14Dutta et al [] (2006)24 NABulletNAFloor of Orbital cavityOrbital injury, face lacerationImmediateRight maxillary sinusNANACaldwell-Luc procedureNA
15Pang et al [] (2005)25 38NailA piece of metal flew into his right cheekFacial woundLaceration on the right cheek, facial pain1 weekRight maxillary sinus ostiaNANAEndoscopyNA
16Pathak et al [] (1999)26 NAMetallic foreign bodyBlast injuryFloor of Orbital cavityOrbital injury3 weeksMaxillary sinusNANAInfraorbital incision-transantralNA
NA – not available; FESS – functional endoscopic sinus surgery; MMA – middle meatal antrostomy.
#Author (reference)AgeType of FBMechanism of injuryRoute of entryPresentationTime gap between procedure, event and diagnosisSite of FBSizeComplicationsManagementOutcome
1Mumtaz et al [) (2020)32 72Dental implantDuring multiple implantationsNARight nasal blockage and headacheOne yearRight maxillary sinusNASinusitisCaldwell-Luc procedureFree of symptoms
2Basturk FB et al [] (2019)16 40Gates-Glidden drillDuring endodontic treatmentPerforating the rootAsymptomaticImmediatelyLeft maxillary sinusNANoneCaldwell-Luc procedureFree of symptoms
3Marques FCC et al [] (2017)30 52Dental tissueDisplacement during dental implantFloor of maxillary sinusAsymptomaticImmediatelyLeft maxillary sinus, near the distal root of first molar3×8 mmNoneCaldwell-Luc procedureNo complaints or any episodes of inflammation. Normal maxillary sinus
4Tanasiewicz M et al [] (2017)19 45Root canal filling with extrusion of endodontic obturation materialDuring endodontic treatmentNAOrbital and buccal pain on the right side of face and headaches6 monthsRight maxillary sinusNANAopen surgical approach?No clinical symptoms, orbital pain and headaches were eliminated after 6 weeks
5J. Hajiioannou et al [] (2016)21 28Dental synthetic materialDuring denervation procedure to the ipsilateral second premolarUnknownLeft sided sinusitis, not respond to medicationsOne yearLeft maxillary sinus3 cmSinusitisCaldwell-Luc procedureFree of symptoms after 6 months of removal
6Saruhan N et al [] (2016)14 26Tooth rootTooth extractionNAPain on the right side of the faceNARight maxillary sinusNASinusitisMMAFree of symptoms
7Deniz Y et al [] (2016)15 63Dental silicone impression materialNAOroantral fistulaPain during palpation on left maxillary sinus, chronic headaches,4 yearsLeft maxillary sinusNAChronic sinusitisTransnasal endoscopyNA
8Sireci et al [] (2015)20 77Dental implantDuring dental extraction and implantationFloor of the left maxillary sinusLeft purulent rhinorrhea and parasthenia in the left maxillary region3 monthsLeft maxillary sinusNALeft oroantral fistulaMiddle meatal antrostomy (MMA)Free of symptoms
9Al Nashawany et al [] (2014)12 50Tooth rootDispla-cement during tooth extractionLeft maxillary antrumNasal regurgitation of fluids and food. Recurrent maxillary sinusitisTwo yearsLeft maxillary sinusitisNASinusitis and oroantral fistulaEndonasal endoscopic sinus surgeryNA
10Sohn et al [] (2011)13 27Tooth rootTooth extractionNAAsymptomatic.ImmediatelyRight maxillary sinusNANoneLateral window approachNA
11Sohn et al [] (2011)13 42Dental implantDuring dental implantationNAAsymptomatic.ImmediatelyRight maxillary sinusNANoneLateral window approachNA
12Sohn et al [] (2011)13 27Tooth rootDuring tooth extractionNAAsymptomaticImmediatelyRight maxillary sinusNANoneLateral window approachNA
13Sohn et al [] (2011)13 42Dental implantDuring dental implantationNAAsymptomaticImmediatelyMaxillary sinusNANALateral window approachNA
14Smith et al [] (2007)34 28Surgical burDuring tooth extractionOroantral fistulaNANAMaxillary sinusNANAModified Caldwell-Luc procedure; lat antral wall openedNA
15Liston et al [] (2002)33 45Six gutta perchaDuring endodontic treatmentAlveolar process of maxillary boneAsymptomaticImmediatelyRight maxillary sinusNoneCaldwell-Luc procedureFree of symptoms
16Friedlich et al [] (2005)31 54Surgical burDuring teeth removalNABleeding from a patent oroantral fistulaImmediatelySphenoid recess of the left maxillary antrum2 cmOroantral fistulaFESSFree of symptoms
NA – not available; FESS – functional endoscopic sinus surgery; MMA – middle meatal antrostomy.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923