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16 August 2021 : Case report  USA

Pain Neuroscience Education Delivered by a Student Physical Therapist for a Patient with Persistent Musculoskeletal Pain

Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment

Michael O’Connor12ABCDEF, Rob Sillevis12ABDE*, Mark R. Erickson2AE

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.932212

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e932212

Table 1. Pain neuroscience education curriculum and treatment data.

PNE contentSensitive nervous system alarm analogy to explain peripheral sensitization, nerve sensor analogy to explain nociceptors, visual aidsSpreading pain alarm system analogy to explain sensitization and spreading pain, calming sensitive nerves and pain as a gauge for activity, visual aidsBrain as the CEO analogy for central processing of pain, wet brain analogy for descending inhibition, visual aidsMeasuring cup analogy for psychosocial overload, Snake entering the home analogy for prolonged stress response, visual aidsInflammatory soup analogy for neurogenic inhibition, Map analogy for pain neuromatrix, visual aidsMovement map analogy for fear avoidance of pain with movement, Smudged map for somatosensory smudging, visual aidsCallus formation for biological adaptability, speeding car analogy for threat perception, phantom limb pain analogy for pain as a brain output, visual aids
Manual therapyJoint manipulation C5–7 right, Upper thoracic T3–T4 supine, HG joint posterior and inferior glide, neural mobilizations left upper extremity with median nerve focusJoint manipulation C5–7 right, Upper thoracic T3–4 supine, GH joint posterior and inferior, neural mobilizations left upper extremity with median nerve focusJoint manipulation C5–7 right, Upper thoracic T3–4 supine, GH joint posterior and inferior glide, neural mobilizations left upper extremity with median nerve focusJoint manipulation C6–7 right, Upper thoracic T2–4 supine, 1 rib seated, GH joint inferior glide, neural mobilizations left upper extremity with median nerve focusJoint manipulation C6–7 right, Upper thoracic T2–4 supine, 1 rib seated, GH joint inferior glide, neural mobilizations left upper extremity with median nerve focusJoint manipulation C6–7 right, Upper thoracic T2–4 supine, 1 rib seated, GH joint inferior glide, neural mobilizations left upper extremity with median nerve focusJoint manipulation upper thoracic T2–4 supine, 1 rib seated, GH joint inferior glide, neural mobilizations left upper extremity with median nerve focus
Therapeutic exerciseCore stabilization progression, UE strengtheningRotator cuff strengthening, UE strengtheningCore stabilization progression, rotator cuff strengtheningCore stabilization progression, static balance interventionsCore stabilization progression, UE strengtheningCore stabilization progression, rotator cuff strengthening, LE strengtheningCore stabilization progression, UE strengthening
C – cervical; GH – glenohumeral; LE – lower extremity.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923