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22 October 2021 : Case report  Japan

Vulvar Extramammary Paget Disease Detected by Cytology for Cervical Cancer Screening: A Case Report and Literature Review

Challenging differential diagnosis, Rare disease

Kotaro Takahashi1ACDEF*, Akira Kikuchi1BDEF, Ayano Horiuchi2DEF, Ryo Tamura1DEF, Kazufumi Haino3DEF, Masayuki Yamaguchi1DEF, Takashi Kawasaki4BDEF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.933655

Am J Case Rep 2021; 22:e933655

Table 1. Reported cases of primary or secondary extramammary Paget disease with abnormal cervical cytology.

AuthorPatient age, yPrimary LesionTreatment history of primary lesionClinical presentationCervical cytologyCervical histology
Costello et al []3 78PEMPDYesItching of vulva and vaginaAdenocarcinomaEMPD
Arnould et al []4 72UCYesCervical cancer screeningMalignant urothelial cellsEMPD
Hendsch et al []5 53UCNoCervical cancer screeningAdenocarcinomaNo cervical neoplasm in hysterectomy specimen
Gu et al []6 78PEMPDYesCervical cancer screeningAdenocarcinomaEMPD
Gu et al []6 87PEMPDNoCervical cancer screeningSCCEMPD
Reyes et al []7 58UCYesCervical cancer screeningASC-HEMPD; She was initially diagnosed with HSIL/CIN3
Westacott et al []8 81PEMPDNoVulvar eczema and itchingAbnormal cellsEMPD
Clayton et al []9 73PEMPDYesPostmenopausal bleedingAbnormal cellsEMPD
Davis et al []10 66PEMPDYesCervical cancer screeningSCCEMPD
van der Linden et al []11 66CRCNoPostmenopausal bleedingAdenocarcinomaEMPD
Koyanagi et al []12 68UCYesPostmenopausal bleedingAdenocarcinomaNo cervical neoplasm in conization specimen
This case77UCYesCervical cancer screeningAdenocarcinomaAtypical glandular cells
ASC-H – atypical squamous cells-cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; CRC – colorectal carcinoma; EMPD – extramammary Paget disease; HSIL/CIN3 – high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion/cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 3; PEMPD – primary extramammary Paget disease; SCC – squamous cell carcinoma; UC – urothelial carcinoma.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923