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29 August 2022 : Case report  Italy

Metachronous Testicular Metastases from Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC): A Case Report and Literature Review

Rare disease

Alice Laffi1ABEF*, Gabriele Cozzi ORCID logo2ABEF, Francesca Spada1E, Nicola Fazio1E, Alexia Francesca Bertuzzi3E, Armando Santoro34D

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.936552

Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e936552

Table 1. Cases of testis metastases of Merkel cell carcinoma reported in literature. Clinical, pathological, and therapeutic features of the MCC cases are reported. In last column, we reported (when available) the survival of the patients after the testis metastasis detection.

YrCase reportPrimaryAgeStage at diagnosisM+TreatmentAdjuvant treatmentTime to testis metastasis development from diagnosis
1990Ro et al (Case 1) []7 Upper lip73Locally advancedNoneSurgeryRadiotherapy of the primary and the lymph nodes18 months
1990Ro et al (Case 2) []7 Left elbow47LocalNoneSurgeryRadiotherapy + chemotherapy (vincristine, adriamycin, cytoxan)12 months15 months
2004Rufini et al []8 None38AdvancedRight inguinal and paraaortic lymph nodesChemotherapy (carboplatin + taxol + etoposide ×4)None2 months
2006Gleason et al []9 Right buttock53AdvancedRight shoulder. Lung mediastinum. Right inguinofemoral lymph nodesChemotherapy (cisplatin + etoposide) and palliative radiotherapyNone22 months
2006Schwindl et al []10 Right lower arm70Locally advancedNoneSurgeryRadiotherapy of the primary and the lymph nodesAlmost 10 months
2006Tummala et al []11 Left forearm54LocalNoneSurgeryRadiotherapy of the primary and the lymph nodes + chemotherapy (carboplatin + etoposide x 4)Almost 5 months
2007Whitman et al []12 Right gluteal region70Locally advancesNoneSurgery of the primary and the lymph nodesRefused15 months
2016Mweempwa et al []13 None66AdvancedLeft testicleSurgeryNone0 months3 months
2020Gigliano et al []14 Left wrist58Locally advancedNoneSurgeryRadiotherapy of the primary and the lymph nodes + chemotherapy (cisplatinum+ etoposide)37 months
2020Moscoloni et al []15 Right thigh65LocalNoneSurgeryRadiotherapy + chemotherapy1 month
Yr – year; MCC – Merkel cell carcinoma; M+ – metastasis; M1 – metastatic stage; NED – no evidence of disease.
YrTesticular M+ onsetStage at the time of testis metastases detectionMedical therapy after orchiectomyRadiotherapy after orchiectomyState(time of follow-up after testis metastases detection)
1990Right testisM1 (liver and subcutaneous)Palliative chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, vincristine, dacarbazine.NoneDead (6 months)
1990Right testisLeft testisNEDNoneNoneAlive (14 months)
2004M1 (abdominal lymph nodes)NoneNoneDead (8 months)
2006Left testicularM1 (lung, liver, lymph nodes)NonePalliative radiotherapy for metastatic spreadDead (12 months)
2006Right testisM1 (lymph nodes)Palliative chemotherapy (cisplatin/etoposide)NoneDead (14 month)
2006Right testisNEDNoneNoneAlive (36 months)
2007Right testis.NEDNoneNoneAlive (6 months)
2016Left testisRight testisNEDAdjuvant chemotherapy (carboplatin/etoposide)NoneAlive (18 months)
2020Left testisNEDNoneNoneAlive (47 months)
2020Right testisNEDImmunotherapyNoneUnknown
Yr – year; MCC – Merkel cell carcinoma; M+ – metastasis; M1 – metastatic stage; NED – no evidence of disease.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923