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19 July 2022 : Case report  Japan

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Infection Associated with COVID-19: A Case Series and Literature Review

Challenging differential diagnosis, Management of emergency care, Patient complains / malpractice, Rare disease, Adverse events of drug therapy, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)

Kazuhiro Ishikawa1ABCDEF*, Tomoaki Nakamura ORCID logo2BCD, Fujimi Kawai3F, Yuki Uehara1456DE, Nobuyoshi Mori1AD

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.936889

Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e936889

Table 4. Literature review of COVID-19-associated Stenotrophomonas maltophilia + cases at our hospital.

NoCase referenceAgeSexPublisheddate/countryDiagnosis/complicationsUnderlying diseasesWard
1Su XW []19 72Male2020/USA VAP/Guillain-Barré syndromeHTN, CAD, alcohol abuseICU
2Mohamed AM []20 64Male2020/USA VAPDM, HTN, ESRD, post-renal transplant recipient taking TAC, MMF and PSL 5 mg/dayICU
3Zachary P []21 60sMale2021/USA VAP, bacteremia/septic shock, MOF, myopericarditisAsthma, hyperlipidemia, elevated BMIN/A
4Vikas P []22 55Male2021/USA VAP/ARDS, pneumothoraxNoICU
5Nicole N []23 51Male2021/Lebanon VAP, bacteremia/bacterial pneumoniahemodialysis, Von Hippel-Lindau disease, renal cell carcinoma leading to bilateral nephrectomy and adrenalectomy, cystadenoma of the pancreas, DM, HTN, CADICU
6Miraç Öz []24 61Male2020/Turkey VAPCOPD, bronchiectasis, previous TB, bilateral upper lobectomies nearly 30 years ago. tracheostomy and had been ventilating with a home-type of mechanical ventilator for two yearsICU
7David D []25 71Male2021/Iran VAPHodgkin’s lymphomaICU
8Velamakanni S []26 70Female2021/USA VAPHTN, PAD, COPDICU
9Our case52Female2021/Japan VAP, bacteremia/CAPASLE, RA, IP, LCICU
10Our case79Male2021/Japan VAPdementiaICU
11Our case80Male2021/Japan VAP/CAPA, candidemiaHTN. post-CABGICU
12Our case48Male2021/Japan VAPAf, DM, HTN, obesityICU
NoCase referenceAgeSexPublisheddate/countryDiagnosis/complicationsUnderlying diseasesWard
1Our case64Male2020/JapanPost-AVR, hyperlipidemia, AfICU
2Our case85Female2020 JapanAf, DM, distal radius fractureICU
3Our case79Male2020/JapanTB, DM, HTN, hyperlipidemiaICU
4Our case52Female2021/JapanHTNICU
NoCase referenceMechanical intubationCOVID-19 treatmentAntibiotics prior to S. maltophilia infectionSpecimenS. maltophilia treatmentOutcomeOther pathogen
1Su XW []19 YesN/ANoSputumTMP-SMXUnder treatmentN/A
2Mohamed AM []20 YesHCQ, AZM, mPSL 60 mg/kgCFPMSputumTMP-SMX→ LVFX due to AKIDeathN/A
3Zachary P []21 YesSteroid (N/A), DEXAMEPMSputum, bloodTMP-SMXDeathN/A
4Vikas P []22 YesTocilizumab, RDVN/AN/aN/ACuredN/A
5Nicole N []23 YesAZM, HCQ, hydrocortisone 50 mg QID, TocilizumabMEPMSputumLVFX+CAZCuredN/A
6Miraç Öz []24 YesHCQ, AZM, FavipiravirMEPMSputumColistin+FOMCured
7David D []25 YesN/AN/ASputumTMP-SMXCuredN/A
8Velamakanni S []26 YesHCQ, SarilumabCTRXSputumLVFXCuredno
9Our caseYesRDV, BARI, mPSL (including mPSL pulse)MEPMSputum, bloodTMP-SMXUnder treatmentno
10Our caseYesRDV, DEXA, AZMPIPC/TAZSputumLVFXCured
11Our caseYesRDV, BARI, DEXAMEPMSputumLVFX+MINO due to AKIDeath
12Our caseYes/ECMORDV, DEXA, mPSL (including mPSL pulse)PIPC/TAZ+VCMSputumTMP-SMXUnder treatment
NoCase referenceMechanical intubationCOVID-19 treatmentAntibiotics prior to S. maltophilia infectionSpecimenS. maltophilia treatmentOutcomeOther pathogen
1Our caseNoCTRX, MINO, LPV/RTVCFPMSputumCured
2Our casePost-intubationCFPM, MINO, Favipiravir, mPSLMEPMSputumCured
3Our caseYesCTRX, favipiravir, mPSLCAZ+TOBBlood at autopsyDeath
4Our caseYes/ECMOCTRX, AZM, RDV, DEXAPIPC/TAZ+VCMBlood at autopsyDeathMold

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923