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19 July 2022 : Case report  Japan

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Infection Associated with COVID-19: A Case Series and Literature Review

Challenging differential diagnosis, Management of emergency care, Patient complains / malpractice, Rare disease, Adverse events of drug therapy, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)

Kazuhiro Ishikawa1ABCDEF*, Tomoaki Nakamura ORCID logo2BCD, Fujimi Kawai3F, Yuki Uehara1456DE, Nobuyoshi Mori1AD

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.936889

Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e936889

Table 5. List of retrospective cohort studies on Stenotrophomonas maltophilia secondary infection to COVID-19.

NoStudyPublished year/CountryWardnumberSite of infection or isolationSpecimenMortality of respiratory infectionTop 5 pathogen
1Li J []18 2020/ChinaICU*102/**110 *all patients developing secondary bacterial infection ** lung infectionRespiratory infectionSputum endotracheal aspiration, BAL*49%*all patients developing secondary bacterial infection 42.7%, 30.9%, 9.1%, 6.4%, 3.6%
2Foschi C []27 2021/ItalyICU178/**230 *patients developing respiratory infection ** number of lower respiratory samplesRespiratory infectionBAL, bronchial aspirationN/A 14.7%, 6.9%, 3.4%, 3.4%, 3.4%
3Yang S []9 2021/ChinaICU*13/**96 *critical group patients *number of specimens (BAL, sputum)Respiratory infectionSputum, BAL in the critical groupN/A 18.8%, 15.6%, 7.3%, 6.3%, 5.2%,* pathogens detected only in the critical group
4Garcia-Vidal C []28 2021/SpainICU, non-ICU*11(VAP), *4(HAP) *patients developing infectionVAP, HAPsputum, BALN/AVAP 36.4%, 27.3%, 18.2%, 9%HAP 25%, 25%, 25%, 25%
5Moretti M []29 2021/BelgiumICU*21* VAP patientsVAPEndotracheal aspiration BAL52.4% (VAP) 25.93%, 18.52%, 11.11%, spp. 11.11%, 7.41%,7 3.70%
6Puzniak L []30 2021/USAN/A*5012*all specimensisolationUrinary, respiratory, blood, skin/wound, intra-abdominal and other specimenN/A 31.8%, 13.7%, spp. 7.1%, 6.5%, 1.9%, 0.8%,only SARS-CoV-2 positive group
7Baiou A []31 2021/QatarICU*78/**98*patients who has isolation of multi-drug-resistant gram-negative bacteria (MDR GNB) **the number of MDR GNB specimensRespiratory infection, bacteremia, UTIRespiratory tract, blood, urine15.4% (all-cause mortality by 28 day) 24.25%, 23.24%, 18.18%, 12.12%, 12. 12%
8Bardi T []32 2021/SpainICU*57/**30(VAP 21, HAP 9*patients developing nosocomial infection during ICU**number of episodesVAP, HAPTracheal aspiration*36%/*37%*all-cause mortality by 28 day** death within all-cause mortality by refractory respiratory failureVAP 38%,MRSA 24%, 9%, 5%, 5%HAP 33%,MRSA 21%, 9%,MSSA 9%, 9%
9Zhang D []33 2021/ChinaN/A23*number of sputum, BAL specimensRespiratory infectionSputum, BALNA 26.1%, 21.7%, 13.0%,,, complex8.7%
10Signorini L []10 2021/ItalyICU*53/**75 *patient developing super infection **VAP infectionVAP, HAPBAL49.1% (28 day mortality of superinfection) 34.7%, 18.7%
11Martinez-Guerra BA []34 2021/MexicoICU, non-ICU*69/**56* number of specimens of VAP, HAP**number of VAP, HAP episodeVAP, HAPN/AN/A complex42.0%, 14.5%, spp. 13.0%, 13.0%, 8.7%
12Sang L []35 2021/ChinaICU165/**935*number of positive culture patients**number of lower respiratory samplesHAP, VAPLower respiratory tract aspiration51.6% at positive culture group (28 days ICU mortality rate) 24.6%, 24.3%, 11.1%, 5.7%, 4.2%
13Luyt C-E []36 2020/FranceICU*43 number of VAP patientsVAPBAL9% Died on VAP treatment 37%, 26%, 7%, spp. 7%, spp. 7%,MRSA 5% 5%, 5%
HAP – hospital-acquired pneumoniae; VAP – ventilator-associated pneumonia; MOF – multiple organ failure; ARDS – acute respiratory distress syndrome; CAPA – COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis; Af – atrial filtration; HTN – hypertension; CAD – coronary artery disease; DM – diabetes; ESRD – end stage renal disease; TAC – tacrolimus; MMF – mycophenolate mofetil; PSL – prednisolone; BMI – body mass index; COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; TB – tuberculosis; SLE – systemic lupus erythematous; RA – rheumatic arthritis; IP – interstitial pneumonia; LC – liver cirrhosis; CABG – coronary artery bypass graft; ICU – Intensive Care Unit; ECMO – extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; N/A – not applicable; HCQ – hydroxychloroquine; AZM – azithromycin; mPSL – methylprednisolone; RDV – remdesivir; DEXA – dexamethasone; QID – quater in die; BARI – baricitinib; CFPM – cefepime; MEPM – meropenem; PIPC/TAZ – piperacillin/tazobactam; VCM – vancomycin; CAZ – ceftazidime; TOB – tobramycin; TMPSMX – trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole; LVFX – levofloxacin; MINO – minocycline; AKI – acute kidney injury; FOM – fosfomycin; – – – . – – UTI – urinary tract infection; BAL – bronchoalveolar lavage; – – – – – – – – – – – – methicillin-resistant – – – .

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923