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26 September 2022 : Case report  Austria

Alleviation of Post-COVID-19 Cognitive Deficits by Treatment with EGb 761®: A Case Series

Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment

Udo A. Zifko1E*, Muhammad Yacob1E, Benedikt J. Braun1BE, Gunnar P.H. Dietz2EF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.937094

Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e937094

Table 2. Overview of the findings.

Patient 1Gender, ageMale, 33 y
Initial COVID-19 symptomsModerate
Approximate time to first outpatient visit after COVID-19 infection13 wks
Initial complaints and result of initial cognitive testingMarked attention deficit, headaches, nausea, depression, hyposmia; CGIS value 5/7; MoCA 29
Treatment in addition to 160 mg EGb 761/dParacetamol 500 mg for headache treatment as needed
Approximate time between initial visit and follow-up11 weeks
Result at follow-upSubstantially alleviated cognitive complaints and fatigue; improved hyposmia, CGCI 05, MoCA 30
Patient 2Gender, ageFemale, 26 y
Initial COVID-19 symptoms and result of initial cognitive testingModerate
Approximate time to first outpatient visit after COVID-19 infection35 weeks
Initial complaintsFatigue; Attention disturbance; worsening of migraine; hyposmia; CGIS 4/7; MoCA 30
Treatment in addition to 160 mg EGb 761/d2×500 mg ascorbic acid/d
Approximate time between initial visit and follow-up7 weeks
Result at first follow-upimproved concentration and fatigue
Time between 1 and 2 follow-up13 weeks
Result at second follow-upNo concentration deficit, CGCI 01; MoCA 30
Patient 3Gender, ageFemale, 32 y
Initial COVID-19 symptoms and result of initial cognitive testingMild; CGIS 4/7; MoCA 29
Approximate time to first outpatient visit after COVID-19 infection22 wks
Initial complaintsModerate concentration and attention deficits
Treatment in addition to 160 mg EGb 761/dNone
Approximate time between initial visit and follow-up4 months
Result at follow-upSubstantially improved cognitive deficits (CGIC 05).MoCA 29
Patient 4Gender, age26, female
Initial COVID-19 symptoms and result of initial cognitive testingModerate (1×vaccinated); CGIS 4/7; MoCA 24
Approximate time to first outpatient visit after COVID-19 infection9 weeks
Initial complaintsBesides hypotension with circulatory disturbance, serious cognitive deficits and fatigue
Treatment in addition to 160 mg EGb 761/dContinued treatment with Sertralin started already before infection; Midodrin hydrochlorid (∼3×61 mg/d)
Approximate time between initial visit and follow-up7 weeks
Result at follow-upimproved concentration and fatigue (CGIC 05; MoCA improvement by 4 points to 28)
Patient 5Gender, ageMale, 59
Initial COVID-19 symptoms and result of initial cognitive testingSevere, but no ventilation; CGIS 4/7; MoCA 30
Approximate time to first outpatient visit after COVID-19 infection18 weeks
Initial complaintsCognitive deficits; moderate depression; irritability; hyposmia
Initial treatmentEscitalopram and plant-based tranquilizer
Approximate time between initial visit and follow-up6 weeks
Result at first follow-upNo change in cognitive deficits; improvement in depression, fatigue, irritability, hyposmia
Additional treatment after first follow-upEGb 761 160 mg; 2×500 mg ascorbic acid/d
Time between 1 and 2 follow-up6 weeks
Result at second follow-upComplete remission of cognitive symptoms (CGIC 1); continued stable mood; MoCA 30

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923