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09 December 2022 : Case report  Saudi Arabia

Pediatric Patient with Rhabdomyosarcoma Involving Temporal Bone: Case Report and Overview of Recent Cases

Challenging differential diagnosis, Management of emergency care, Patient complains / malpractice, Rare disease, Educational Purpose (only if useful for a systematic review or synthesis)

Khalid Suwayyid Alomar ORCID logo1ABDEFG*, Rafeef Alhajress1F, Abdullah Saleh Alsheikh1ABEF, Reem Aljurayyad1ABCDEF, Abdulaziz Alballaa1ABEF, Maria Arafah2B

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.937307

Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e937307

Table 1. Review of all reported cases of temporal bone rhabdomyosarcoma in the English-language literature between 2000 and 2022.

AuthorYearAge/sexPresenting symptomManagementHistopathologyCo-existing complications
Lee et al []12 20041.5 years/MaleEar discharge, mastoid swellingIncision and drainageEmbryonal RMS7 nerve dysfunction
Abbas and Awan []5 20053 years/MaleEar pain, bleeding from the external auditory canalExamination of ear under anesthesia and biopsy of middle ear massEmbryonal RMS7 nerve dysfunction
Reid et al []13 20066 years/FemaleEar pain, headacheMyringotomy, biopsy of the right middle ear massEmbryonal RMS7 and 12th nerve dysfunction, extension to cavernous sinus
Viswanatha []20 20074 years/MaleEar discharge, inability to close his right eyeRadical mastoidectomyEmbryonal RMS6, 7 nerve dysfunction, parapharyngeal space involvement
Ragsdale et al []21 200912 years/FemaleEar massExcision, radiochemotherapyAlveolar RMSNone
Crozier et al []22 20129 years/MaleEar massAuriculectomy, temporal bone resectionEmbryonal RMSNone
Ng and Goh []23 201615 months/FemaleEar discharge, mastoid swellingCortical mastoidectomy with abscess drainageEmbryonal RMS7 nerve dysfunction
Goldberg []24 201610 years/MaleEar discharge, dizzinessMastoidectomy and biopsyEmbryonal RMS7 nerve dysfunction
Do et al []25 20183 years/MaleHeadache, vomitingMastoidectomy, retrosigmoid craniectomy with biopsyEmbryonal RMSPapilledema
Bhandarkar et al []18 20205 years/FemaleEar dischargeBiopsyEmbryonal RMS7 nerve dysfunction, internal jugular vein and sigmoid sinus thrombosis
Zubir et al []17 20212 years/MaleEar discharge, facial asymmetryBiopsyEmbryonal RMS7 nerve dysfunction
Present case20222 years/MaleEar mass, ear dischargeMastoidectomy, biopsyEmbryonal RMSNone
RMS – rhabdomyosarcoma.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923