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22 November 2022 : Case report  USA

Lisinopril-Induced Small Bowel Angioedema: An Unusual Cause of Severe Abdominal Pain

Challenging differential diagnosis, Unexpected drug reaction, Rare disease

Brooks W. Johnson ORCID logo1ABCDEFG*, Ann M. Rydburg2ABDE, Viet D. Do3ABE

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.937895

Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e937895

Table 1. Summary of available, published reports of isolated small bowel angioedema.

SexAgeRace/ethnicityRecent change in dose (Y/N)Time on ACE-iMedication and doseComorbid medical conditionsConcomitant medicationsClinical course and outcomesReference
F40WhiteNo3 daysLisinopril, 20 mg qdIBS, hypertensionOral contraceptiveResolution w/in 1 week of discontinuationSquillante []5
F62African AmericanNo2 yearsLisinopril, 40 mg BIDHypertension, a fib, DM2, seizure, anemia, COPD, temporal arteritis, GERDN/AWilin []6
F69AsianNo4 yearsPerindoprilHypertension, IgA nephropathy, lipid metabolism abnormality, cholelithiasisPitavastatinResolutionNakano []7
F44WhiteNo1 hourPerindopril, 4 mg dailyHypertensionResolution in 3 daysHuynh []8
F28N/ANo2 monthsLisinoprilHypertensionOral contraceptiveResolution in 2 daysFerreira []9
F32WhiteNo1 monthPerindopril, 4 mg dailyHypertensionmetoprololLaparoscopy, 1 month delay in diagnosisParreira []10
M53n/aNo7 yearsLisinoprilHypertension, diverticulitisHydro-chlorothiazideResolution in 2 days of discontinuation, restarted on lisinopril post-hospitalization then d/c’d by primary careMelendez []11
FN/AN/ANo3 weeksLisinoprilMyocarditis, heart failureResolution within days of discontinuationCuypers []12
F72N/AYes, 10–20 mg daily1 monthLisinopril, 20 mg dailyHypertensionChase []13
F48AsianNo2 daysCaptoprilHypertensionContinued on Captopril, later developed oropharyngeal angioedemaMatsumura []14
F58N/An/a1 weekLisinoprilHypertensionResolution in 24 hours of discontinuationGregory []15
F41WhiteNo2 daysLisinopril 5 mg dailyHypertensionDelayed in diagnosis with multiple hospitalizations, resolution 48hr after discontinuationAbdelmalek []16
F59N/An/a2 daysEnalaprilHypertension5-year delay in diagnosis, resolution with discontinuationMullins []17
F29N/An/a4 monthsLisinoprilHypertensionGuy []18

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923