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21 October 2022 : Case report  Kuwait

Brain Abscesses Caused by Nocardia farcinica in a 44-Year Old Woman with Multiple Myeloma: A Rare Case and Review of the Literature

Challenging differential diagnosis, Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents, Management of emergency care, Rare disease, Rare coexistence of disease or pathology

Khaled Sayer1ABCDEFG, Yousef A.I. Abousedu ORCID logo1ABCDEFG, Omar M. Ghanem1ABCDEFG, Muhammad Doghaim2ABCDEFG, Faisal Sayer1ABCDEFG*

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.937952

Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e937952

Table 2. Summary of previously published case reports of cerebral nocardiosis in patients with multiple myeloma.

Author, year of studyAge/SexChemotherapy regimenClinical presentationNocardia speciesTreatmentOutcome
Monticelli J et al, 2015 []3 70/M/Prednisone/; followed by /DexamethsoneSeizuresTMP-SMX plus meropenem; followed by ciprofloxacinSurvived
Pamukçuoğlu M et al, 2014 []4 61/FCyclophosphamide, and DexamethasoneSeizuresSurgical excision; meropenem followed by amoxacillin-clavulanic acidSurvived
Pamukçuoğlu M et al, 2014 []4 60/FCyclophosphamide, and DexamethasoneDysarthria and gait disturbancesSurgical excision; imipenem/cilastatin followed by TMP-SMXSurvived
AlSamman S et al, 2014 []6 64/MSeizuresCeftriaxone plus TMP-SMXSurvived
Matin A t al, 2017 []8 68/F, , Thalidomide, Adriamycin, Cyclophosphamide, Cisplatin and EtoposideRight sided facial palsy with right sided hemiplegiaSurgical debridement; TMP-SMX, Linezolid and Imipenem followed by TMP-SMX plus TedizolidSurvived
Xu N et al, 2021 []7 69/F, , Dexamethasone and CyclophosphamideConvulsion of the limbs with left-sided hemiplegiaTMP-SMX plus Ceftriaxone followed by TMP-SMX plus MoxifloxacinSurvived
Our Case44/FCyclophosphamide, thalidomide and DexamethasoneSeizuresSurgical excision; Meropenem, Amikacin and TMP-SMX followed by TMP-SMXSurvived
M – male; F – female; TMP-SMX – Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole. Novel therapeutic multiple myeloma agents are highlighted in

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923