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30 November 2022 : Case report  Canada

An Infant with Bilateral Keratitis: From Infectious to Genetic Diagnosis

Challenging differential diagnosis

Louis-Philippe Thibault1ABCDEF*, Grant A. Mitchell2BCDEF, Brigitte Parisien1BCDE, Patrick Hamel ORCID logo3BCDE, Ana C. Blanchard4ABCDEF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.937967

Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e937967

Table 1. Comparison of main characteristics of previously published TYRII case reports, with emphasis on ocular lesions at initial clinical presentation (presented in author alphabetical order).

ReferencesSexAge at onset of symptomsAge at presentationSymptoms and/or clinical findings at presentationInitial diagnosis and treatmentClinical evolution following initial treatment
Charlton []10 Case 1: MCase 2: FCase 1: 6 wCase 2: 6½ moCase 1: 3 moCase 2: 11 moCase 1: Bilateral photophobia and conjunctival injection, with central corneal dendritic-like lesions.Case 2: Conjunctival injection and photophobia in her left eye. Dendritic lesions without conjunctival injection in her right eyeCase 1: Initial diagnosis not defined, treated with topical antibiotics for 6 weeks, then refered for HSV keratitis.Case 2: Bilateral recalcitrant HSV keratitis, treated with topical antibiotics, cycloplegics, topical glucocorticoids, arabinoside, trifluorothymidine, and debridementCase 1: No improvement.Case 2: Sporadic improvement and exacerbations apparently not related to treatment
Colditz []12 Case 1: MCase 2: FCase 3 and 4: N/A (palmo-plantar lesions at presentation)Case 1: 3 moCase 2: 5 wCase 1: 4 yoCase 2: 2 yoCase 1: Unilateral epiphora, photophobia, and blepharospasm. Dendritic corneal ulcers at 5 mo.Case 2: Conjonctival injection and photophobia. Central corneal dendritic ulcers at 5 moCase 1: HSV, treated with topical idoxuridine for 2 months.Case 2: N/ACase 1: Increased photophobia.Case 2: N/A
Goddé-Jolly []13 F10 days7 moConjonctivitis of the left eye, with mild corneal hazePurulent conjonctivitis, treated with antibiotics eyedrops for 3 weeksIncreased corneal haze and extension of conjunctivitis symptoms to the right eye
Gokhale []14 N/A2 mo5 moPhotophobia, corneal haze, followed by bilateral dendritic keratitisConjunctivitis, treated with antibiotics eyedrops for 2 months, followed by suspicion of HSV keratitis, treated by acyclovir ointment for 2 weeksNo improvement
Hervé []15 Case 1: FCase 2: FCase 1: First days of life.Case 2: First days of life.Case 1: 16 yoCase 2: 8 moCase 1: Conjunctivitis, photophobia, epiphora.Case 2: Conjunctivitis, photophobia, painCase 1: Chronic conjunctivitis and HSV keratitis, treated with antibiotics, allergy medications, homeopathy.Case 2: HSV keratitis, treated with eyedrops medication (N/S)Case 1: No improvement.Case 2: No improvement, dendritic keratitis noticed at 1 yo
Kymionis []18 M, twins9 mo15 moEye rubbing, photophobia, and epiphoraBilateral HSV keratitis, treated with Topical trifluridine for 2 months prior to presentationNo improvement
Macsai []8 Report of 9 cases.Details given for Case 1 (F) and Case 9 (M)Birth to 11 moCase 1: 1 moCase 9: 11 mo3 mo to 57 yoCase 1: 5 mo 1/2Case 9: 11 moPhotophobia, redness, tearing, blepharospasm, pain, eye rubbing.Case 1: PhotophobiaCase 9: Eye rubbing, photophobia7/9 (78%) diagnosed and treated for HSV keratitis with topical trifluridine.Case 1: HSV keratitis, treated with eyedrops trifluridine.Case 9: Diagnosis N/S, treated with eyedrops trifluridine4/7 (57%) showed transient resolution.Case 1: Resolution of symptoms, clinical signs still present (superficial right corneal haze, and dendritiform pattern in left cornea).Case 9: Less symptomatic, large dendritiform epithelial lesion on right cornea
Podglajen-Wecxsteen []16 M9 mo20 yoTearing, conjunctival injectionAllergic conjunctivitis, treated accordingly (N/S)No improvement
Tsai []17 FBirth2 yoPhotophobia, epiphoraHSV keratitis, treated accordingly (N/S)No improvement
Soares []11 M2 mo2 yoPhotophobiaHSV keratitis, treated with acyclovir eye ointment, followed by oral acyclovirNo improvement
N/A – not available; N/S – not specified.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923