19 December 2022
: Case report
A Case Report of Listeria Meningitis with Severe Rhabdomyolysis and Normal Renal Function
Unusual clinical course, Challenging differential diagnosis, Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment, Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents, Unexpected drug reaction
Mina Sourial1EF*, Sumit Kapoor12EF, Manoj Karwa1EFDOI: 10.12659/AJCR.938024
Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e938024
Table 1. Case reports of Listeria meningitis with rhabdomyolysis (including our case).
Case, Year | Age, gender | Immunocom-promised | CPK level (units/L) | Acute kidney injury | Need for RRT | Muscle biopsy done | Renal recovery |
Thomas et al, 1988 | 64, male | No | 149,500 (peak) | Yes (anuric) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Clark et al, 1989 | 57, female | No | 5,000 (peak) | No | N/A | No | N/A |
Kutlesa et al, 2009 | 69, male | No | 13,804 (peak) | Yes (nonoliguric) | Yes | No | Yes |
Mouyis et al, 2017 | 74, male | No | 24,464 (admission) | Yes (oliguric) | Yes | No, myositis of thigh diagnosed on MRI | Yes |
Sourial et al, 2022 (our case) | 22, female | No | 299,637 (peak) | No | N/A | No | N/A |
CPK – creatine phosphokinase; RRT – renal replacement therapy; N/A – not applicable. |