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18 March 2024 : Case report  China (mainland)

Effective Management of Acute Oral Chemical Burns After NaOH Ingestion: A Case Report

Rare disease

Liu Bo Li1E*, Yu Hai Xia2B, Liang Ping2B, Mou Hai3C, Qiao Hong Tu4F, Dai Qing Yun1F, Yong Zhang1A

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943134

Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943134

Table 2. Patient medication information.

Medication nameSpecificationManufacturerAdministration methodUsage for This Case
Famotidine injection2 ml: 20 mgHuarun Shuanghe Limin Pharmaceutical (Ji’nan) Co., Ltd., JinanIntravenous dripAdminister 2 ml of famotidine injection, diluted in 250 ml 5% glucose solution, intravenously for at least 30 minutes once daily for 3 days. Discontinue when the patient can eat
5% glucose injection250 ml: 12.5 gFresenius Kabi (Beijing) Pharmaceutical Distribution Co., Ltd., Beijing
Normal saline solution500 ml: 4.5 gSichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., ChengduIntravenous drip500 ml once a day, for 3 days
Fat emulsion amino acids (17) glucose (11%) injection20% fat emulsion injection 255 ml; compound amino acid injection 300 ml; 11% glucose injection 885 ml; potassium chloride injection (10 ml: 1 g)Shanghai Sine Jinzhu Pharmacy Co., Ltd., ShanghaiIntravenous dripAdminister 20 ml potassium chloride with 1440 ml fat emulsion amino acids (17%) and glucose (11%) IV infusion once daily for 3 days. Discontinue when the patient can eat
Kangfuxin liquid100 ml/bottleHunan Kelun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., YueyangMouthwash10 ml per time, 3 times a day, for one week
Dexamethasone injection1 ml: 2 mgSinopharm Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., JiaozuoNebulizationMix 1 ml of Dexamethasone Injection, 1 ml of Gentamicin Sulfate Injection, 2 ml of Vitamin C Injection, 2 ml of Vitamin B12 Injection, diluted with 4 ml of 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection for a total of 10 ml. Twice a day for 3 days
Gentamicin sulfate injection1 ml: 40 mg (40 000 units)Xinxiang Changle Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Xinxiang
Vitamin C injection2 ml: 0.5 gHenan Runhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Xinzheng
Vitamin B12 injection2 ml: 0.5 gHenan Runhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Xinzheng
Prednisolone acetate tablets5 mg/tabletShandong Lukang Cisen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., XintaiOral25 mg once a day for 3 days
Vitamin C tablets0.1 mg/tabletNortheast Pharmaceutical Group Shenyang No.1 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., ShenyangOral0.2 mg 3 times a day for 3 days

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923