18 March 2024 : Case report
Effective Management of Acute Oral Chemical Burns After NaOH Ingestion: A Case Report
Rare disease
Liu Bo Li1E*, Yu Hai Xia2B, Liang Ping2B, Mou Hai3C, Qiao Hong Tu4F, Dai Qing Yun1F, Yong Zhang1ADOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943134
Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943134
Table 3. Results of complete blood count test on the third day of treatment.
No. | Item | Result | Qualitative | Unit |
1 | White blood cell count (WBC) | 9.19 | Normal | 10/L |
2 | Hemoglobin (HGB) | 137 | Normal | g/L |
3 | Neutrophil count (NEUT#) | 7.91 | ↑ | 10/L |
4 | Neutrophil percentage (NEUT%) | 86.00 | ↑ | % |
5 | Lymphocyte percentage (LYMPH%) | 10.10 | ↓ | % |
6 | Monocyte count (MONO#) | 2.90 | ↑ | 10/L |
7 | Eosinophil count (EO#) | 0.02 | Normal | 10/L |
8 | Eosinophil percentage (EO%) | 0.10 | Normal | % |
9 | Hematocrit (HCT) | 46.40 | Normal | % |
10 | Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) | 31.6 | Normal | pg |