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02 July 2024 : Case report  Romania

A 68-Year-Old Man with Depression and Acute Renal Failure Due to Rhabdomyolysis Associated with Alcohol Intoxication While Taking Low-Dose Escitalopram: A Case Report

Unusual clinical course, Challenging differential diagnosis, Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment, Diagnostic / therapeutic accidents, Unexpected drug reaction

Daniela Cana Ruiu ORCID logo1ABDEF*, Daniela Teodora Maria1BDEF, Romeo Popa ORCID logo2BDEF, Sabrina Moraru1ABEF, Elena Georgia Micu3DF, Cristina Vaduva1AD, Naomi Fota1ABD, Dragos George V. Popa4AD, Anca Cojocaru5BD, Daniela Calina5ABDEF

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.943422

Am J Case Rep 2024; 25:e943422

Table 2. Biological parameters: acid-base and electrolyte balance, coagulation, infectious etiology.

Biologic parameterDetermined valueNormal range
Acid-base and electrolyte balance
  Serum bicarbonate (mEq/l)22.322–29
  Sodium (mEq/l)128135–145
  Potassium (mEq/l)6.73.5–5.1
  Chloride (mEq/l)9698–107
Coagulation test
  aPTT (s)21.824.3–35
  PT (%)8879–146
  Fibrinogen (mg/dl)689200–400
  D-Dimer test (mg/dl)3.480.5
Infectious etiology
  Clostridium difficile (toxin A, B)NegativeNegative
  Urine cultureNegativeNegative
  Coproculture (, , , )NegativeNegative
  HIV antibody testNegativeNegative
  Hepatitis B antigenNegativeNegative
Hepatitis C antibodyNegativeNegative
CMV antibody, IgG (AU/ml)152.80.0–0.6
CMV antibody, IgM (AU/ml)0.220.0–0.85
EBV antibody, IgG (S/CO)17.460.0–0.7
EBV antibody, IgM (S/CO)0.020.0–0.49
ASLO (UI/ml)<2000–200
Coproparasitic examinationNegativeNegative
Pharyngeal exudate ()NegativeNegative
Blood cultureNegativeNegative
Leptospirosis serology test (complement fixation)<1/10<1/10
PCR-SARS Cov-2NegativeNegative
HIV – human immunodeficiency virus; CMV – cytomegalovirus; EBV – Epstein-Barr virus; aPTT – activated thromboplastin time; PT – prothrombin time test; INR – international normalized ratio; ASLO – antistreptolysis O; PCR – polymerase chain reaction; SARS Cov-2 – severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

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American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923
American Journal of Case Reports eISSN: 1941-5923