26 June 2022: Articles
Juvenile Hyaline Fibromatosis: Report of a Case with a Novel ANTXR2 Gene Mutation
Challenging differential diagnosis, Rare disease, Congenital defects / diseases
Pongsakorn Choochuen1ABCDEF, Wison Laochareonsuk12CD, Pattama Tanaanantarak3CD, Kanet Kanjanapradit4B, Surasak Sangkhathat25ADEG*DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.935921
Am J Case Rep 2022; 23:e935921
BACKGROUND: Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with unknown prevalence characterized by abnormal development of hyalinized fibrous tissue usually in the skin, mucosa, bone, and often the internal organs. Here, we report the case of a 7-year-old girl from a family with ANTXR2 mutation confirming JHF.
CASE REPORT: The girl presented with multiple painless soft-tissue swellings affecting the ears, forehead, and scalp. Excisional biopsies of the masses reported positive immunohistochemical staining for collagen type VI in the extracellular matrix area, which indicated collagen VI accumulation. Genetic analysis was performed using whole-exome sequencing. The variants were further validated using Sanger sequencing in trio-based approach. We identified a novel mutation, c.1273_1293delinsTCTTGTGGGTTTGGCT in exon 15 of ANTXR2 gene, leading to a frameshift of the amino acid from codon 425 to all the rest of the amino acid chain (p.Pro425Serfs). The change of an encoded protein interrupted lysosome-mediated degradation of collagen VI. This finding was compatible with her parents whose genetic tests were both positive for the same heterogenous deletion/insertion mutation. The patient was treated with surgical excision of the tumor masses, which had to be repeated several times due to recurrences.
CONCLUSIONS: This novel mutation in exon 15 of the ANTXR2 gene may help improve understanding of genotype-phenotype correlations for this syndrome and provide the basis for diagnostic testing. A multidisciplinary team approach including genetic molecular testing is required for an accurate diagnosis and management of JHF for conducting genetic counseling for affected families as a part of holistic management.
Keywords: ANTXR2 Protein, Human, Collagen Type VI, Hyalinosis, Systemic, Whole Exome Sequencing, Amino Acids, Female, Frameshift Mutation, Humans, Mutation, Receptors, Peptide
Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis (JHF, OMIM #228600) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by abnormal accumulation of hyaline material in many connective tissues [1]. Affected individuals typically present with multiple cutaneous nodules, gingival hyperplasia, flexion contractures of the joints, osteolytic lesions, and visceral organs involvement [2,3]. Patients also have thickened skin, hyperpigmentation over bony prominences, and facial papules, which are considered to be the main dermatological manifestations [4]. In JHF, all of these clinical features are generally present within the first few years of life [5].
A mutation of the anthrax toxin receptor-2 (
Case Report
A 7-year-old girl was referred to our institution, Songklanagarind Hospital, for further investigation of multiple painless soft-tissue swellings affecting her ears, forehead, and scalp. She was a preterm child of healthy Thai parents who had close blood relation (Figure 1). Her prenatal and perinatal periods were uncomplicated. Her development was totally normal until 2 years of age, at which time she began to develop multiple, slowly-growing, painless, soft-tissue masses at her left ear and forehead. Her parents brought her to the local hospital, where excisional surgery was done to remove the masses. The diagnosis of leiomyoma was made based on pathological examination. She was followed up at that hospital 2-3 times a year to check her mass lesion. Surgery is occasionally needed when there is recurrence. She was then referred to Songklanagarind Hospital at the age of 7 years. At our hospital, her weight was 18.8 kilograms (below the 25th percentile) and her height was 117 cm (below the 40th percentile). A physical examination showed multiple, painless, soft-tissue masses at her forehead, scalp, back, and anterior chest wall. The masses were well-defined, movable, and firm, 1–5 cm in size. No sign of local inflammation was observed. Her heart, lungs, abdomen, and neurological examination were unremarkable. Her cognitive development was appropriate for age. A CT scan of her head showed multiple, well-defined, enhanced, soft-tissue masses at the scalp without intracranial extension (Figure 2).
The child was managed with mass removal. Grossly, the masses were of variable sizes with grey-white cut surfaces. Excisional biopsy of the masses revealed benign fibroblastic cells with an eosinophilic ground substance in the background. Masson staining showed green in the fibrotic areas. Immunohistochemistry was positive for SMA in the spindle cells and collagen type VI in the extracellular matrix area and, conversely, negative for collagen IV, which was previously reported to be potentially associated with the pathogenesis of JHF (Figure 3). All the clinical manifestations and pathological findings were suggestive of juvenile hyaline fibromatosis. However, the patient had recurrence of lesions on the scalp and the right forearm within 1 year after the first surgery.
After obtaining written informed consent from her parents as well as her patient’s assent, their peripheral blood samples were collected. Lymphocytes genomic DNA was isolated from those 3 blood samples using a PureLink Genomic DNA kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). The patient’s gDNA was used for preparing a whole-exome library by using the NextEra rapid capture expanded exome kit (Illumina, Inc., USA) according to manufacturer’s protocol. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) was performed using the IIumina HiSeq platform (Macrogen, South Korea) with 150 bp paired-end reads. Output data from sequencer, DNA sequence, and quality score were stored in FASTQ file format. The quality of sequence was checked using FastQC software. Sequence reads were trimmed using Trimmomatic v0.38, and then aligned to reference genome GRCh38 by using BWA aligner. Sequence reads were sorted, and duplicates were marked using the Picard program. Variant calling was performed using GATK v4.1.2.0. Finally, variants were annotated using snpEff. Bioinformatic analysis reveal 3 novel frameshift insertion/deletion variants. Two of those are located in exon 13 of different transcript variant of the
The variations were validated by Sanger sequencing using the trio-based approach (patient and her parents). We did
We identified an inherited homozygous deletion/insertion variant on exon 15 of the
We herein report a mutation of the
In our case, the patient presented with only typical skin manifestations. This finding correlated with the mutation discovered in this patient, since mutations in the nucleotide sequence encoding the Antxr2 cytosolic domain have been previously found to be clinically less severe than those with mutations in other regions [6]. As only skin manifestations were observed, our patient was managed with surgical excision of the tumor masses, which had to be repeated several times due to recurrences [12].
To date, various therapeutic modalities have been used to treat JHF. Medications, including penicillamine, methotrexate, and steroids, have some benefits for JHF with some success [12,13]. Surgical excision is a good treatment in subcutaneous nodules; however, local recurrence is common [2]. However, there is no curative treatment for this disease, so counseling for families who are known to carry the genetic defect and family planning become imperative. Precise molecular genetic testing not only allows us to detect diseases earlier but is also important for risk and carrier assessment of family members, which in turn allows proper management and genetic counseling. Moreover, an understanding of the genetic basis of the disease can augment the possibility of future genetic therapies for this disorder. Molecular diagnosis should be offered to every patient with JHF as well as their family members as a part of holistic management, including family planning.
This study reports a novel mutation, c.1273_1293delinsTCTTG TGGGTTTGGCT in exon 15 of the ANTXR2 gene, which caused mild JHF. Information contained in the present report may help increase our understanding of the genotype-phenotype correlations of this syndrome. Due to the nature of the disease, a multidisciplinary team approach is required for accurate diagnosis and management of JHF and for conducting genetic counseling of affected families to prevent disease in future generations.
Figure 1.. Pedigree chart of the family. The affected patient is indicated by the arrow and filled square. The parents are consanguineous, as shown with a double horizontal line. Figure 2.. CT of the head of the patient, transverse plane (A) and coronal plane (B), showing multiple well-defined enhanced soft-tissue masses at the scalp, varying in size, with the largest one about 6.3 cm in diameter at the occipital region. The lower skull shows no cortical destruction, periosteal reaction, or sclerotic change. Figure 3.. (A) Masson stain showing green in the fibrotic areas, proving the collagen accumulation in ECM. (B) H&E staining shows benign fibroblastic cells with an eosinophilic ground substance in the background. (C) Showing positive immunohistochemical staining for collagen type VI in the extracellular matrix area (*). (D) Showing negative immunohistochemical staining for collagen type IV in patient’s biopsy tissue. Figure 4.. (A) The aligned reads from WES were visualized on Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) [14]. The display show area of nucleotide base deletion/insertion (c.1273_1293delinsTCTTGTGGGTTTGGCT). (B) The Sanger sequencing of the ANTXR2 gene reveal that proband forward demonstrating a homozygous deletion/insertion mutation on exon 15 (c.1273_1293delinsTC TTGTGGGTTTGGCT) leading to a translational frameshift of amino acid chain starting at codon 425. The sequences of the unaffected mother and father show that both are carriers of JHF who share the same mutation. Figure 5.. Showing the schematic picture of Antxr2, with protein domains and positions of the previously reported mutations in patients with JHF/IHF and their families. Pairwise alignment between wild-type and mutated protein sequence of our patient was performed using BlastP online software.References:
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